

targIT is a social platform used to increase exposure and engagement for your employer brand and recruitment campaigns. Reach out to a passive and targeted audience.


1. First we find out exactly who you want to target to make sure your campaign targets the right audience. Audiences include:

2. targIT uses a variety of social channels to reach the target market

We use our own historic campaign data, existing audience data and our established social channels alongside pro-active demographic targeting. This is used to target individuals that match your preferences and objectives via social channels. Additionally we use the data insights to help grow the audience and create ‘lookalikes’. The channel mix is constantly monitored and tweaked to maximise results.

3. Objectives. We agree your objectives upfront and agree minimum targets to achieve which are guaranteed. The campaign will continue until these are reached.




Serco are looking for female Developers and Engineers to join their teams based across Europe. For this campaign we targeted gender, location and relevant skills. The results from their targIT campaign were as follows:

  • 2 million impressions
  • 4,605 engagements

Ministry of Justice are looking to grow their Data and Analyst teams across the UK. For this campaign we targeted relevant skills and locations, with the below results:

  • 900,000 impressions
  • 1,773 engagements
Ministry Of Justice



What assets do you use?

Assets can include Videos or Image advertising. Campaign assets and messaging are agreed up front as are the impression and engagement targets. Campaign make-up can be tweaked based on your key objectives.

What landing page is utilised?

This can be a profile on Technojobs or Womenintech, job listings on our sites or your careers website.

What target markets work well with targIT?

Audiences can be tailored to your requirements. Hard to reach audiences work particularly well where standard job advertising can be difficult. Additionally targIT can be used to support volume recruitment or employer branding campaigns where there is a mass hiring target.

targIT works well when targeting gender diversity candidates i.e. Women in Tech where we have significant experience. The campaign can also be geo targeted or skill specific, such as targeting developers.

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