Individual adjustments to our recruitment process

Page last updated: 4 August 2023

We want everyone to perform at their best when they apply for a job with us. There are lots of ways we can support candidates who are disabled or neurodivergent.

We aim to:

  • be open and transparent about our processes - and make them as inclusive as we can
  • work with you to identify potential barriers and make adjustments to help
  • encourage you to tell us what you need - we'll treat what you tell us with sensitivity and an open mind, and we'll keep it confidential.

Examples of adjustments we can make

We all have different skills and needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. These are examples of just some of the things we can do to make the process easier for you.

To help you with your interview, we can:

  • send you the questions in advance - for example, 48 hours before the interview
  • allow for breaks, pauses and thinking time
  • give extra time for tests or assessments - for example, an extra 25%
  • put the questions in the chat on the video call, as well as reading them out.

If we've asked you to give a presentation, you can decide what format to use - for example, slides or paper.

We'll make sure you have the chance to tell us if you:

  • prefer not to have your camera on
  • find it hard to keep eye contact when you're talking to people
  • feel nervous or anxious
  • would like us to remind you about timing
  • need us to let you know when you've given us enough information and we can move onto the next question.

We can send you documents in a format that suits you. For example, with large text.

And if your assessment has more than one stage, we can make sure at least one member of the panel stays the same all the way through.

Get in touch

These examples give you an idea of the adjustments we can make. But it's best to talk to us about what you need. The earlier in the recruitment process you contact us, the better we can help.

We'll keep what you tell us confidential. We'll only share it with the recruitment panel if you say we can.

Call: 0191 249 4390

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  • view vacancies
  • register your interest
  • apply online.