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What does it take to become an IT professional?

It’s not uncommon for IT professionals who are good at the technical aspects of their jobs, to lack basic soft skills that are also essential with regards to being the best they can be in their roles.

IT certification on a CV is primarily what will grab a potential employer’s attention, and will usually be what gets you to interview stage in the first place.

However, when you get to this stage, they’ll also be searching for a candidate who exhibits soft skills that will aid them in excelling in the workplace, and will make them an all-round valuable member of the team.

So what are these soft skills you need to be sure you can display in the interview process and in a new working environment?

Below are our top skills an IT professional should possess:


This requirement largely relates to written and spoken communication within the team, but also applies when meeting outside investors and customers.

People are different, and work according to their strengths and understanding, which means finding a common ground to communicate from is crucial for lines of communication to remain open.

Aesthetic and user-friendly adaptability

Oftentimes the backend of an IT project becomes so intricate in terms of design that it becomes easy to forget about the endgame.

Something could work perfectly, but if it doesn’t look appealing, a salesperson on the frontend of the product will still have a hard time selling it.

Similarly, if a graphical user interface isn’t easy to use, a customer will not be satisfied with their investment.

Sensitivity to the end user is a valuable trait.

A true team player

The IT industry is split into so many different specialities that it becomes easy for people in each field to shy away from other professionals in different circles.

The ability and determination to avoid this, is a desirable asset in a team member for an employer.

The less a team breaks apart into different speciality sects, the more collaborative a project, and therefore the bigger picture is seen by the whole team rather than a few.

Learning and sharing knowledge

It’s one thing to be knowledgeable in your subject area, but the ability to assess another person’s learning needs, and willingness to share what you know, is the difference between an inhibited workspace, and an open and enriched workspace.

In a project rollout, if a team member is struggling, patiently teaching them what you know will mean the project continues smoothly and calmly, with less room for mistakes.


If you have the ability to negotiate wisely, many doors are opened to you in the IT industry.

With the increase in popularity of cloud-based solutions, being able to calmly negotiate contracts and even a small amount of knowledge when it comes to the legalities of these stands you in good stead for recognition on your team.

People who possess these skills are often promoted to well-paid managerial/executive level in a short space of time.

If these soft skills are partnered with an IT certification, a formidable candidate for any IT role is created.